Fall Photo Essay

Fall permeates Southwest Portland

2013-01-No.03.OttosIMG_8437 (8 of 13)2013-10-No04
Terwilliger’s Totem.Hints of Germany tucked away in Multnomah Village.Nasturtium (native to Peru) petals tickle pollinators while they reach for deep-set nectar.Fleeting sun and blue sky reflected in shop window.
Pumpkin not quite ripeIMG_8434 (7 of 13)IMG_1915 (4 of 13)Pomegranate
An unripe pumpkin has run out of time. Halloween comes quickly.Flames of maple.Watchful.Far from arid Persian origin, pomegranates split; fail to ripen
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Community uproar over sale to developer.Due-sprinkled web in prickly teasel.Promise of spring. Embryonic pink bloom inside the rhodie’s bud.Licorice fern.