Day 1, Swiss Vacation 2013 – Bönigen

Wow. I’m jet-lagged. Who knows what day it is? I think I lost Monday somewhere and today is Tuesday.
I’ve been transported across the globe to a foreign town. It’s warm, sunny and humid. Because I’ve studied (obsessively?) the biochemistry of internal clock genes, I know that going outside mid-afternoon is critical for a proper reset. I’ve been awake for over 29 hours but push myself (and Don) for a walk. We head east along the river to Lake Brienz. Our destination is the ferry landing at Bönigen.
Crystal blue skies create a perfect day to be high in the alpine zone. But we are glad just to be standing. Awake. What’s helping me to stay awake is the odd pebble that manages to work it’s way into my shoe. I’m still wearing Keens. And their holes provide entry to the gravel of the path.
On the trail back to the hotel, I snap a photo of the Jungfrau and in the process pop the lens cap off. It bounces once and then rolls along its edge. Hits a pebble, and bounces into the river. I consider the temperature of the water, the current, the depth. And decide to watch it float along hoping it’ll get caught in something along the edge. It doesn’t.
Mileage for the day: about 5+ miles